How to Create Your Own Digital Currency

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I recently created my own blockchain currency, JeremyCoin. I had always thought of blockchain technology as inaccessible, but creating a coin did not take any special abilities, and only ended up costing me about $20.

I didn’t create a token to get rich, and I have no intention of doing an initial coin offering (ICO). I didn’t even accept any money for my coins. Instead, people could obtain them by forming a relationship of trust with me. People who have known me longer or collaborate with me on projects generally get more tokens, and the allocation is entirely subjective. My goal was simply to experiment with creating my own digital currency. I wanted to share the process of creating the token here in case you are working on something fun and/or important that could use a blockchain token. It’s not easy, but it doesn’t take any special technical knowledge.

This guide is meant for beginners, but it will be considerably easier if you know how to buy cryptocurrency and use a blockchain wallet. If you’re interested enough in blockchain tokens to read this tutorial, I would really suggest learning more about those things, too!


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